
xray geoip not working with hev tun (Linux OS) 🤔

Closed this issue · 1 comments

    "inbounds": [
            "listen": "[::1]",
            "port": 10801,
            "protocol": "socks",
            "settings": {
                "auth": "noauth",
                "udp": true,
                "allowTransparent": true
            "sniffing": {
                "destOverride": [
                "enabled": true,
                "metadataOnly": null,
                "routeOnly": false
            "tag": "socks"
            "listen": "[::1]",
            "port": 10802,
            "protocol": "http",
            "settings": {
                "auth": "noauth",
                "udp": true,
                "allowTransparent": true
            "sniffing": {
                "destOverride": [
                "enabled": true,
                "metadataOnly": null,
                "routeOnly": false
            "tag": "http"
    "outbounds": [
            "tag": "proxy",
            "sendThrough": "",
            "protocol": "vless",
            "settings": {
                "vnext": [
                        "address": "",
                        "port": 81,
                        "users": [
                                "id": "",
                                "alterId": 0,
                                "security": "auto",
                                "encryption": "none",
                                "flow": ""
            "streamSettings": {
                "tcpSettings": {
                    "header": {
                        "type": "none"
                "realitySettings": {
                    "fingerprint": "firefox",
                    "show": false,
                    "publicKey": "",
                    "serverName": "www.speedtest.net"
                "network": "tcp",
                "security": "reality"
            "tag": "direct",
            "protocol": "freedom",
            "settings": {}
    "routing": {
        "domainStrategy": "AsIs",
        "rules": [
                "type": "field",
                "domain": [

                "network": "tcp",
                "outboundTag": "direct",
                "enabled": true
                "type": "field",
                "ip": [
                "network": "tcp",
                "outboundTag": "direct",
                "enabled": true
                "type": "field",
                "port": "0-65535",
                "network": "tcp",
                "outboundTag": "proxy",
                "enabled": true

I tested this config in proxy mode with chrome extension socks5-configurator
geoip worked ✅

but when I bypass upstream and tunneling whole system with hev-tun
just geoip not working ❌

By pass upstream shell

xray_ip=$(dig +short $host_name) 
def_gate=$(ip r | grep 'default' | awk '{print$3}') # This will output your default gateway ip address . if command fails try finding the deault gateway ip by using 'ip r' command

echo "\n1\n"
ip tuntap del dev tun0 mode tun user $USER
ip route del $xray_ip via $def_gate

ip tuntap add dev tun0 mode tun user $USER
ip addr add dev tun0
ip addr add fdfe:dcba:9876::1/125 dev tun0
ip route add $xray_ip via $def_gate
ip link set tun0 up
ip -6 link set tun0 up
ip route add default dev tun0
ip -6 route add default dev tun0

echo "\n2\n"
chmod +x hev
# sleep 2

# insert/update hosts entry
# find existing instances in the host file and save the line numbers
matches_in_hosts="$(grep -n "$suffix" /etc/hosts | cut -f1 -d:)"

host_entry="${ip_address} ${host_name} ${suffix}"

echo "Please enter your password if requested."

if [ ! -z "$matches_in_hosts" ]
    echo "Updating existing hosts entry."
    # iterate over the line numbers on which matches were found
    while read -r line_number; do
        # replace the text of each line with the desired host entry
        sudo sed -i "${line_number}s/.*/${host_entry} /" /etc/hosts
    done <<< "$matches_in_hosts"
    echo "Adding new hosts entry."
    echo "$host_entry" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null

$2/hev $2/b2.yml # you can define the local socks5 port here 10808 is the default
Tun Config
  name: tun0
  mtu: 8500
  port: 10801
  address: ::1
  udp: 'udp'
  task-stack-size: 20480
  connect-timeout: 10000
  read-write-timeout: 60000
  log-file: stderr
  log-level: debug
  limit-nofile: 65535
I am really confused where this problem is coming from ? Thank you for any help ♡

No ideas.