AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: new key must bigger then last key
heineiuo opened this issue · 3 comments
heineiuo commented
There maybe something incorrect in MemTable
heineiuo commented
import path from 'path'
import LogReader from '../LogReader'
import { Options } from '../Options'
import WriteBatch from '../WriteBatch'
async function recoverLogFile(): Promise<void> {
// Open the log file
const logFilename = path.resolve('./000044.log')
const options = new Options()
const reader = new LogReader(options, logFilename)
let lastEntry = {}
ite1: for await (const record of reader.iterator()) {
const batch = new WriteBatch()
WriteBatch.setContents(batch, record.buffer)
const sn = WriteBatch.getSequence(batch)
for (const update of batch.iterator()) {
const { type, key, value } = update
console.log(sn.value, type, `${key}`, `${value}`)
const lastSN = lastEntry[0]
lastEntry = [sn.value, type, `${key}`, `${value}`]
if (lastEntry[0] === lastSN) {
break ite1
and found sequence was not increased...
heineiuo commented
Bug still exist
heineiuo commented
is not update util the log writer async operation. It will cause another operation read and use the old lastSequence