
Could not locate Gemfile issue - once again

lwasser opened this issue · 2 comments

Good morning @helaili i'm running into a gemfile action issue that was reported here in #54 #60 and i wondered what i'm doing wrong.

I saw i needed to add the gemfile.lock to the repo so i did so

It seems to still be getting held up. I tried the version of the action that you suggested in the other closed issues along with the @v2 version.

i'm getting this error:

tarting the Jekyll Action
Remote branch is main
Resolving bundler version from Gemfile.lock
Successfully installed bundler-1.17.2
1 gem installed
Could not locate Gemfile

and this is the PR where i'm trying different things

What is weird is that this action did used to work for a gh pages site and minimal mistakes theme but what is different is i'm using a remote theme for minimal mistakes. Could that be the issue? i just don't understand how to further troubleshoot if that is the issue. Many thanks for any guidance.

Ok this has gotten weirder. I was able to get the acton to run fine today on another repo and WITHOUT the gem.lock file. i'm really confused as to why it's different in these two repos with the same setup, config, etc (i think?).

Closing this. the issue was really small. My gemfile was named

And i think this action wants

when i fixed the case the build is now running without the error. closing. ✨