
Can't get portrait mode working on Pi5

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I did as per instructions here: https://www.thedigitalpictureframe.com/raspberry-pi-digital-picture-frame-portrait-orientation/

Appended run_start.py with


But after I execute:

sudo xinit /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/picframe_data/run_start.py /home/pi/picframe_data/config/configuration.yaml

I get the following error:


OK so after fiddling with this for hours...in case someone runs into same problem.
I did two things...

I edited (appended at the end) cmdline.txt in /boot/firmware with video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1200@60,rotate=270
That rotated the CLI.

Then I changed the start_picframe.sh
This line:
wlr-randr --output HDMI-A-1 --transform 270 --on

That did the trick!