
screen goes blank when MQTT activated

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I have pictureframe running fine without MQTT but when I activate MQTT it makes the screen blank:

Here are my settings in the config file:

use_mqtt: True
server: ""
port: 1883
login: "xxxxxxx"
password: "xxxxxxx"
tls: ""
device_id: "picframe"

Hello! I'm struggling with the same issue. As I turn on MQTT the slideshow doesn't start any more and screen stays black (does not turn in standby). I'm also unable to detect the picframe as a device via Home Assistant. An MQTT broker is running on the same RasPi 4 and working. What is the device_url parameter in the configuration.yaml for?

use_mqtt: True
server: "localhost"
port: 1883
login: ""
password: ""
tls: ""
device_id: "picframe"
device_url: ""

Sorry, for the late response. Were you able to solve it?

I have the same issue as @lagerbeer. I ran a picframe debug log and found the below error in addition to the recommendation of updating picframe.

interface_mqtt.InterfaceMQTT - INFO - creating an instance of InterfaceMQTT
interface_mqtt.InterfaceMQTT - ERROR - MQTT not set up because of: Client.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'callback_api_version'
controller.Controller - ERROR - Can't initialize mqtt. Stopping picframe

So I installed picframe-2024.5.31-py3-none-any.whl with the below commands:

source venv_picframe/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade picframe

However, when I try to run picframe now, blank screen continues with or without MQTT enabled. Logs show:

controller.Controller - INFO - creating an instance of Controller
image_cache.ImageCache - DEBUG - No unprocessed files in memory, checking disk
image_cache.ImageCache - DEBUG - Found 0 new files on disk
image_cache.ImageCache - DEBUG - Updating cache

I 'solved' this by rebuilding my image using these instructions:

previously I was using Wayland rather than X11. I now can run MQTT w/o issue.