
Error: "It looks like REAPER is currently running..." when attempting to install SWS when it's already installed

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Rockum reported:

Regarding Installation of SWS (and perhaps other extensions?)

I don't know if it is a bug, but when I try to install SWS on a system that already has it, Reaboot warns:

"It looks like REAPER is currently running. If it is, please close it before pressing "Continue"!"

This happens regardless to whether or not Reaper is actually running. It always results in cancellation. Installing Helgobox does not cause the same issue.

That seems to be an issue with conflicting files that are not yet managed by ReaPack.

What Rockum means by "It always results in cancellation" is probably the following screenshot (reported by another user):


And this means that ReaBoot is simply facing conflicting files from a previous ReaPack-less installation. I think this should be dealt with in multiple ways:

  1. A better error message (e.g. saying that "Maybe you have installed that packaged before without using ReaPack? In that case, uninstall it before!")
  2. Maybe special handling? I also reached out to @cfillion to ask how this is or will be handled in ReaPack. Would be good to use a similar solution.
  3. An option to not skip the complete installation but at least install the other packages.

@cfillion mentioned that the first ReaPack package to install existing files takes exclusive ownership of them (until uninstalled), overwriting if they already exist