
Saving Is Confusing

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Why an issue on this?

Well, this might be me completely being dumb or a "i dunno what I am doing" moments, but saving in Helio does not seem to work right in my POV

What is the issue?

When I want to save something, I instinctively press Ctrl + S to save stuff, however, Helio's Save mechanics are a bit odd to understand, there are times where I delete a Clip using Edit Mode and Helio does not seem to register that deletion event.

What's wrong with Revision Control?

I just do not feel like it's a simple Mechanic, I can tell people will go "Ok so how do I actually save stuff?" I can already tell some confusion were found by the way Helio is saving changes made in the Project File and those changes not reflecting upon re-opening Helio.

Ok, anything better you can suggest?

I would like a traditional saving system, something that actually writes changes to the project file itself and can be re-opened at ease.

In my eyes, the current saving method is..........not easy to use considering my progress of creating a track is worth every Ctrl + S.

To add to that, here is a project file where I assigned VSTs to some Tracks, only for them to not play sound or lose connection when re-opening Helio.


Hi, the app should save everything automatically without the need to press any hotkeys.

The Ctrl+S hotkey just opens the version control page, which serves a different purpose (it might have been a mistake assigning it to this hotkey, I can see how this can be misleading). You're not supposed to commit everything in the version control all the time just to save things, it's there to give you a way to create checkpoints when you feel like you've written something you're afraid of losing and might want to return to later.

Plugins losing sound seems like a bug, could you please check if this occurs with all plugins or with any particular one?

Hey there, that is something I did not know of, good to know next time. As for plugins that lose sound, Ninjas2 is a Sampler+Slicer that I use in place to add samples to my Helio Project. My guess is, Sample VST plugins are broken in Helio while other plugins like Sfizz a instrument kit player works just fine. Sfizz is what I use for Piano SFZ and Ninjas2 is my makeshift Sample player.

Yea, this is a video showing me deleting a Track, closing Helio and it not saving the deleted track.

Unless I am somehow missing an auto save function.


Apparently the pen tool had a bug, please check out the development build, it should have been fixed there. Thanks for reporting that!

Apparently the pen tool had a bug, please check out the development build, it should have been fixed there. Thanks for reporting that!

Working properly now. Thank you.

Ok yea, the save system is broken. Instead of saving progress, it undid everything I have done, as if it is keeping it in some sort of state.

Can you elaborate on that? When it happened, what did you do?

Can you elaborate on that? When it happened, what did you do?

I added alot of Vitalium LV2 instances as Helio does not have a Sample Importer, I press the "Studio" button thinking it would save, when I opened Helio up again, my Orchestra plugins were reset to only have the Helio Default, Metronome and Sfizz. All my LV2 Vitalium Instances were discarded.

This seems to be another LV2 problem: after some testing I discovered that creating several instances of the same LV2 plugin causes them to crash occasionally when saving/loading for mysterious reasons. I added some safety checks in the development build, which seemed to make things more stable, but still the more instances of the same LV2 plugin you add, the more likely they will fail if the stars are not aligned. Will hopefully investigate this more in the future.

This seems to be another LV2 problem: after some testing I discovered that creating several instances of the same LV2 plugin causes them to crash occasionally when saving/loading for mysterious reasons. I added some safety checks in the development build, which seemed to make things more stable, but still the more instances of the same LV2 plugin you add, the more likely they will fail if the stars are not aligned. Will hopefully investigate this more in the future.

Awesome. Thank you so much. Since Helio has no native Sample importing. I had to make do with an LV2 wavetable synth's sampler to get the song elements I want.