

paju2024 opened this issue · 1 comments

🎯 Help us help you by filling out this issue completely. This issue is ONLY for bug reports. If you are seeking support, please submit a support request.

1. Describe, in detail, the bug you have encountered and how to reproduce it (if providing a source code excerpt, use a markdown code block and please do not provide screenshots of source code):

HeliOS source files conflict with Arduino files under Windows because filenames are the same. Under Linux they are not the same (capital S versus lowercase s). This leads to a lot of errors in compiling under Windows.

2. What results, output, behavior are you expecting?

Same result in Windows as in Linux.

3. What version of HeliOS are you using?

The latest 0.4.1.

4. Provide the following details about your development environment and development board/microcontroller:

OS [Windows, macOS, Linux]: Windows

OS Version [Windows 10, Ventura, Ubuntu 22.04]: 7 and 10

IDE [Arduino IDE, PlatformIO, STM32CubeIDE, Keil]: Platform IO

IDE Version: 1.70.3 and the latest (18.x)

Board/MCU Mfg [Arduino, PJRC, ST Micro]: Arduino MEGA 2560 pro

Board/MCU Model [UNO, Teensy 4.1, NUCLEO-F429ZI]:

5. Are you experiencing any compiler or linker errors? If so, copy and paste them here (please do not provide screenshots):

Many. Please, take a look at following link for more details and a solution:

7. Attach a copy of your source code file(s) so we may compile them if needed:

Thank you for reporting the bug. Looking into it.