
All our repos to enable decentralised recurring payments protocol on the Ethereum blockchain

Primary LanguageJavaScript

8x Protocol enables decentralised recurring payments on the Ethereum blockchain.
A complete explanation of the protocol may be found in our whitepaper (https://github.com/8xprotocol/whitepaper).

Packages 📦


Package Version Description
8x.js npm A Javascript library for interacting with the 8x protocol
8x.pay npm Payment gateway for consumers to pay with 8x
@8xprotocol/artifacts npm Type and schema assertions used by our packages
@8xprotocol/base-contract npm BaseContract used by auto-generated abi-gen wrapper contracts
@8xprotocol/dev-utils npm Developer utilities
@8xprotocol/service-node-core npm Core engine behind service node
@8xprotocol/types npm Shared type declarations


Package Description
@8xprotocol/contracts 8x solidity smart contracts & tests
@8xprotocol/docs Documentation site created with Slate
@8xprotocol/service-node Node to process subscriptions

Addresses 😇

We get it, you're just here to find the contract addresses. Luckily for you, they're all here (latest).

Contracts (Kovan)

Contract Name Address
Executor 0x4efa1187e8445cc798ecd9c24831d49138cd83b7
VolumeSubscription 0x88d2376e8cfae379e46096340906a1400c07f42d
PayrollSubscription 0x398512917185874a059b70d4130fcc2d161ad7dc
ApprovedRegistry 0x6b1ed1bd7e0550d88ad808b5dd9cc371fd909ef0
TransferProxy 0x9225c76e678d942a1059d1926997efe8c1eaf1ac
PaymentRegistry 0xec7329bb706bd4abac985bbbc13e5ce16b69bad7
EightExToken 0x86a9e1d068f05b11f3a6c0d317882a9d7e900659
WETH 0x9e797736277007f5fa94c2da0074fb4683fe53b7
StakeContract 0xb39fb9698eadf36fe619de75936cae50a2adbe1c
KyberNetwork 0x81cabd4f6fa99f799e6d4340855755e6edfe6cc2
MultSig 0x7a9fa714b0ca737e0a80bc18bdbb8ffe0e5195e7

Supported Tokens (Kovan)

Token Ticker Address
DAI 0xc4375b7de8af5a38a93548eb8453a498222c4ff2
WETH 0x9e797736277007f5fa94c2da0074fb4683fe53b7

Contracts (Mastery - AION)

Contract Name Address
Executor 0xa04872919895E8Fd2E61911328ff4Ae391f15CCF26510e3206C77ab7c48ec25f
PayrollSubscription 0xa0A46bE59265bf81bcacA21a3f09513c0534E6B929248754c5e95979e2A7481c
ApprovedRegistry 0xA0863Ee2ae5EeeC88BB2889FDD2e8F37821d637748b8D18CaDef4fc2022c1c16
TransferProxy 0xa04e3d8Fbb331Af4D54fE845d342dD4c775E88D4Fe8598c51856EAF75A634D46
PaymentRegistry 0xa0DB8AEFb181B03653f4694a13f423f92ed36130d6E9dEF103B6182e7c8aCD25
EightExToken 0xa0c6E2b78DA659963DA76248398D725819207a2dA1468FB131f4d274310CC2A2
WAION 0xa049496593CAdbf1542baDdabbebB46FCD00754519F6D44CE41aEE94A4ED0B25
StakeContract 0xa044d909747874307517f6F013d7803Ad1CF0a21c242E3E675215eae43469474
MultSig 0xA059d349739e8BAAa7ED83ec345Ea67C9939ec2f22d0bD0f18304610AD7741b0

Supported Tokens (Mastery - AION)

Token Ticker Address
WAION 0xa049496593CAdbf1542baDdabbebB46FCD00754519F6D44CE41aEE94A4ED0B25

Contributing 🙋‍♀️

We appreciate your desire to contribute to the 8x Protocol. We strive to maintain a high standard over code quality and the security of our contracts. Please read over this contributor guide before starting.

How to Contribute

If you would like to contribute please fork the repo, create a new branch, fix the problem, commit the work with a clear message about what was accomplished, and submit a pull request.

Code Quality

  • When adding functionality, please also add tests and make sure they pass
  • When adding a new function, make sure to add comments that adhere to the format seen throughout the project
  • When fixing conflicts please use rebase
  • When updating your working branch with upstream master changes, please rebase
  • Make sure there are no linter warnings or errors
  • Truffle ^4.1.8
  • Gananche (no setup configs required)
  • NPM
Global Dependencies
npm install -g lerna
npm install -g truffle
npm install -g typescript@2.6.2
npm install -g ganache-cli
Compiling All Packages
lerna run build
Running All Tests
lerna run test