
Ledger Hardware Migration Guide Forces Solana and Helium Key Derivation Account Indexes To Be The Same

kylemanna opened this issue · 1 comments

The Migration Guide States:

The following utility will migrate all tokens from the Helium derivation path 44'/904'/n'/0' to the Solana derivation path 44'/501'/n'/0'.

However in my case my existing Solana account key n=0 has years of history and I'd like to move my Helium tokens to account key n=1 for both privacy and tax accounting reasons.

This isn't possible since the Javascript shares the account number between both key derivations.

Ideally the docs and supporting Javascript would read as:

The following utility will migrate all tokens from the Helium derivation path 44'/904'/h'/0' to the Solana derivation path 44'/501'/s'/0'.

Where for me h=0 and s=1 allowing me to migrate my Helium tokens from account number 0 to to Solana account number 1.

Is there anything preventing this from working this way? Seems that the signed transaction just proves ownership of h=0 key and authorizes the migration to s=1 key?

Was able to workaround this by cloning out the docs and bending the JavaScript to my will.