
Unable to start helium_gateway server

lbuque opened this issue · 3 comments

region: EU868
Platform: raspi_64



pi@raspberrypi:~/helium $ cat /etc/helium_gateway/settings.toml
## gateway-rs default configuration file
## NOTE: Do _NOT_ change values in this file.
##   Override settings in settings.toml by putting the sections and
##   settings that need to be changed there.

## Keypair is a string that supports specifying different locations for
## the secrets. The default one is file based one since all devices
## can support it.
## Override the setting by putting a keypair line in the
## local settings.toml. Changing things in this file will be overwritten
## by upgrades.
## File:
keypair = "/etc/helium_gateway/gateway_key.bin"
## ECC608 based
# keypair = "ecc://i2c-1:96?slot=0"
# onboarding = "ecc://i2c-1:96?slot=15"
listen = ""
api = 4467
region = "EU868"

method = "stdio"
level = "info"
timestamp = false

# Enable update checking
enabled = true
# OVERRIDE: Platform to use as part of update check. This MUST be overriden by a
# local settings file
platform = "raspi_64"
# Channel to use, alpha, beta, release, or semver which pulls it from the
# running program
channel = "semver"
# Interval in minutes between update checks
interval = 10
# The github release stream to check for updates
uri = "https://api.github.com/repos/helium/gateway-rs/releases"
# The command to run to install the update.
command = "/etc/helium_gateway/install_update"

max_packets = 20

entropy_uri = "https://entropy.helium.io/entropy"
ingest_uri = "http://mainnet-pociot.helium.io:9080"

# Default target routers for data packets that are not known to helium packet
# routers.
pubkey = "11w77YQLhgUt8HUJrMtntGGr97RyXmot1ofs5Ct2ELTmbFoYsQa"
uri = ""

pubkey = "11afuQSrmk52mgxLu91AdtDXbJ9wmqWBUxC3hvjejoXkxEZfPvY"
uri = ""

# A list of gateway service keys and urls (note https is not supported
# lgw-ireland
pubkey = "11tk4zzbyfMPYYHYda255ACoqfYFVdrUSoCWrCYfn8BoyuYrERK"
uri = ""

# lgw-ohio
pubkey = "115PmCR6fpFihdjw626JXYdUEdzwjh66yoWzWkMvB9CRGEx1U6G"
uri = ""

# lgw-oregon
pubkey = "11aZEJnSduAXG8r3r9vzw3QD5k1KWXUJSVc2SxmwxPBuNmMW6UY"
uri = ""

# lgw-seoul
pubkey = "11yJXQPG9deHqvw2ac6VWtNP7gZj8X3t3Qb3Gqm9j729p4AsdaA"
uri = ""

# lgw-singapore
pubkey = "11Gx2yPEmBGUrbHUiUWQs9vV7JDHQLZSddQs6e3WB2uvqSMUDBW"
uri = ""

# lgw1-frankfurt
pubkey = "1123BGjiBwxdTHHjEuvF5mTQpHWwy9KP1JbgS8N4UKUa3Q2ya1W6"
uri = ""

# lgw1-saopaulo
pubkey = "11BL23u2PbpTjuCyHQ6n35xD5a1QyhyuepCJYrqLVgD3fFewkJ2"
uri = ""

# lgw1-sydney
pubkey = "11EQ9yjSuqBG1yV73YL1YRSX4QVwdQiiF9MJ1Bqngf9JwS2TGBi"
uri = ""

# lgw2-frankfurt
pubkey = "11pGEgAb8YhhFw64pxDLDsoaLQyQG1cijQjR1Ko6A2Q7EtwBcy9"
uri = ""

# lgw2-ireland
pubkey = "112qiiykzk7kTrnxNwnzf2EUsG9qoFPHG4Mau5hNsok8dLGf8ufB"
uri = ""

# lgw2-ohio
pubkey = "11fHGw18ySqmiBRhgBEXHS9xfSvBpmES5aeL1HNb5G79fQc67Ch"
uri = ""

# lgw2-oregon
pubkey = "112LdZBP1vtz3gdhVPRuQYGx1fLuBP5nqFWcE4L1dYXdNiMJRdF6"
uri = ""

# lgw2-saopaulo
pubkey = "11WUPL9y8pUfQg8wYvyJWbqEjnN7AzVGVWwHD8hmFFsXdaE3yh6"
uri = ""

# lgw2-seoul
pubkey = "11Gn8cr7tNDVv7GSnuDpJAqEjnDWRWkfEzW8zph7EQ9rr8MLhPJ"
uri = ""

# lgw2-singapore
pubkey = "112fVSokVAUxmD672gKbS86SuqKX3bTzu2SGNaGuq6vxESMGBqCN"
uri = ""

# lgw2-sydney
pubkey = "112Go1gHKBNBjSJztRD1x9m4H9krFiawrU444VC6PbEiwmWvFAUu"
uri = ""

# lgw3-frankfurt
pubkey = "11NeSZjVWK9SvXxfwaWc3vZU8df17TYbKQekywYktbUyow3efUm"
uri = ""

# lgw3-ireland
pubkey = "11vBe5pfSxH5QoEgFMVedA631YMEeBHipktJ2nybDe1EjkiKRXo"
uri = ""

# lgw3-ohio
pubkey = "112HUu9fVtpcNJtnnAwXTNPBPZjWZxV63angT5UJY529APS5hMDa"
uri = ""

# lgw3-oregon
pubkey = "112mjDiAz72CFxkjxBgwieP1LxAhV8oadqHNP2AyaiQQom4VN27"
uri = ""

# lgw3-saopaulo
pubkey = "11rfZwFwdDDtxYo34uYTXUKbkPhZofxJ2LbkduBZHPksHUsUdw8"
uri = ""

# lgw3-seoul
pubkey = "11BgGQp83rWWE8PHimZQPYxwMVD3oQw9JaVW7u3EUom6toh9568"
uri = ""

# lgw3-singapore
pubkey = "112fVGeUJf6aNc5z6d8rFDsgBnRj45BAxhdxaEVpQ58SGFJ1abk4"
uri = ""

# lgw3-sydney
pubkey = "11FiQQ2dGuwRi3XAWfGboPwgxH7JiNzak8BfGWpJTJ3NXHG3N6i"
uri = ""

# lgw4-frankfurt
pubkey = "112pcepAfZ8CWGFcRAq8hPP8dNcppRK8APSNfrKvqufyH3Keyhjb"
uri = ""

# lgw4-ireland
pubkey = "112wJBZBZH34G2NZ8XQx8ZpFXAhZf5FUhyKwbobknkBraP9pH2j8"
uri = ""

# lgw4-ohio
pubkey = "112hyDbnmq41LwyNynmSkcjoH414oEdANHiYduFygbLbJWBoLjsZ"
uri = ""

# lgw4-oregon
pubkey = "112N96HhzTGGwVeCengwf7CUoGK73GgLquZskDvRzrTqSQvsU3rM"
uri = ""

# lgw4-saopaulo
pubkey = "11Ka5aFf1heCuQLQWt3D2itZX89QJNetPHUeUdNcC55Jtp6SRaV"
uri = ""

# lgw4-seoul
pubkey = "112iJa3Ckk34eFiWSfDUkLz12qwdcJS4V3794zgCw2rJDHi4naiL"
uri = ""

# lgw4-singapore
pubkey = "112USfBeZqQwhQtgeTRwREauyxxFQdCw5eFw23GUa3eMqTRqyhXt"
uri = ""

# lgw4-sydney
pubkey = "112q3CB7MsFpi7Y3JuiHzF9h2ndH88KeZ3LUL6juJwMdo4g4Lsoq"
uri = ""

Is my usage wrong? what should I do?

helium_gateway is running normally