
Need help with "decoding error" when attempting Pay via Helium Ledger CLI

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Hi all, I am receiving "error: Decoding Error" when attempting to make a payment to an HNT address via my Helium Ledger CLI. I've got it set up correctly (can pull balance info and all) but seemingly cannot make a payment. Any tips? Thanks!

@cameronnili5 is it possible you have not updated to the latest version of the Ledger CLI?

Hi, thanks for the comment! After checking, it seems that although I've installed the latest Healium Ledger CLI version (2.2.3) my CLI runs an older version when I initialize helium-ledger-cli. I'm sort of a newbie, so how do I tell the CLI to run the newer version?

You probably aliased the old version or you put the directory that it lives in into your PATH. What OS are you on? Does whereis helium-ledger-cli return anything?

whereis helium-ledger-cli does not return anything. You're probably right, I aliased it. How do I un-alias it? I'm on Monterey MacOS

I'm not a mac user but i think aliases are in ~/.bashrc on there too.

Also, you can always just cd into the directory where you unzipped the new version and just call it directly: ./helium-ledger-cli