
First assert staking fee still charged with CLI asserts!! 1,000,000 DC instead of 0 DC

rsnodgrass opened this issue · 2 comments

I noticed that when asserting the location for hotspots the first time there is a major difference between asserting via the CLI and via the Helium app. When asserting the location the first time with the helium-wallet CLI, the staking fee is still set to 1,000,000 DCs and NOT 0 DC that would occur if the first assert is done via the Helium app.

Does anyone know where the logic to determine when the staking fee should be waived on first assert? I would assume this would be on the blockchain (Validators), but since the behavior is different via the CLI could it possibly be happening in the CLI itself?

I have dozens of hotspots asserted via CLI that all had the $10 fee added! During the same time the ones where I used the app correctly had a Staking Fee of 0 DC.

One major difference between the app and CLI is that with CLI you can also specify the antenna/height in the same transaction (extra 55,000 DC). The app submits the assert location as a individual transaction. And any changes to antenna/height are a separate transaction.

Could the Validator logic actually be the problem here, where it sees that the total fee is $10.55 instead of $10, and still changes the full $10 (plus $0.50) instead of waiving the $10 and just charging $0.55?

This goes back to dozens of asserts I've made in early November last year. I only caught this as I was doing my taxes and noticing all these expenses and thought it was the FairSpot tax tool having an error.

This appears to be an issue in helium/blockchain-core itself. See the above linked issue.