
Feature request : highlight single non mapper hex

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When trying to map the whole city, it is a bit difficult to distinguish on the map the hex with no coverage when all around hex are covered, certain with a low RSSI.
Would it be possible to have an option to switch all the non covered hex in a visible color like red ; or eventually only the hex with coverage existing around ?

I second your suggestion, because it can provide a solution for something that is really missing on the mappers.helium.com coverage map. Because as far as I understand, an "empty" hex on the coverage map can be empty for two reasons:

  1. The hex has not been mapped.
  2. The hex has been mapped, but there is no coverage at all.
    At the moment, unless I am missing something, it is not possible to find out via mappers.helium.com, if (1) or (2) is the reason for an "empty" hex on the coverage map.
    A feature that allows to highlight all unmapped hexes would solve this problem.

I made this mock when experimenting for colorblindness and low-contrast solutions. It seems this would also solve the problem of not being able to make out an unmapped hex.
The benefit here is that this is presumably a style that would not need to be toggled on and off.
I don't know how feasible this is to do within Mapbox.