
Change temperature using API

christian-ek opened this issue · 2 comments

Do you know if it's possible to change temperature using lk webserver API?
Do you have any documentation for the API? Can't find any information at all except for this repo.

Hi, it's been a while since I wrote this code (and tested that it works !). But If I remember correctly, I reverse engineered the protocol based on the network traffic I found using the web interface. Should be possible to do the same for changing temperature I believe. But I also know that they have upgraded the webserver (I'm still running the old) since then (swedish: https://www.lksystems.no/globalassets/lk-systems/documents/lk-webserver/lk-webserver_instruktion-for-uppdatering.pdf). If I were you, I would contact them directly.

I reverse engineered it like you said directly after posting this and got it working. Thank you for the input!