Under which section should this talk go?
catb0t opened this issue · 6 comments
I'm really enjoying (and still watching...) Breaking The x86 Instruction Set by Christoper Domas (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrksBdWcZgQ). It was presented at Black Hat USA 2017, and it's 44:28 long.
It's about hacking and messing with Intel's 8086 instruction set architecture (ISA) so it goes under hardware, but it's also about security, debugging, system architecture, etc.
Which section do you think fits it best?
That’s a good question (and a good talk). I usually look at the conference it was presented at when in doubt. In this case I would then file it under Security.
We don't have a security section -- shall we make one?
Sounds good to me!
Is it alright with you if I add this now? This issue seems to have slipped my mind—sorry.
whoops, i need to check GH notifs more often. yes, it sounds good to me!