
The learning rate for different part of parameters

YangWangsky opened this issue · 4 comments

It's a nice work, thanks for the code provided by the owner. And I notice the following the comment:

According from the prototxt in Caffe implement, learning rate must multiply by 10.0 in pyramid module.

I have found the Caffe implement by Hao Zhang, however I can't find the prototxt for training. How can I get it?


@YangWangsky ,

The original author didn't provide the training code. So I tried to implement followed by the paper description.

Thanks for your reply. I also read the original paper, and there seems no description about different learning rate for the different parts. Could you please help me find the setting for learning rate?


If you take a look at the details in the original caffe prototxt, you can find these settings.

For example, look at line 7062-7070, you can see these codes:

layer {
  name: "conv5_4/bn"
  type: "BN"
  bottom: "conv5_4"
  top: "conv5_4"
  param {
    lr_mult: 10
    decay_mult: 0

And this indicates your learning rate multiplied by 10.

Ok, I get it. I have not used caffe before, thank you for your reply!!