
one request: when drag and drop json file, just list them (no check if file exist and no re-calculating)

user336598776 opened this issue · 4 comments

so i can compare two offline pc which files are the same.
step1.on pc1, drag and drop files and save as json.
step2.on pc2, drag and drop pc1.json file and drag and drop pc2 files.
step3.on pc2, click "Find Identicals" button, done.

This analyzing process feature has been requested here: #8

I don't understand what do you mean, can you be more specific please?

for example, on PC1 i drag and drop "E:\abc" folder and save as "e.json" file. (01.png)

i copy the "e.json" and this program to PC2(another computer which there is no "E:\abc" folder and files).
on PC2, i run this program and drag and drop "e.json" file and click "yes", it only display "Calculating..." and does not list items of "e.json" file. (02.png)

the request is that after drag and drop json file, just list items(filepath,hash) of json file even if the item(filepath) doesn't exist.
sry for my bad english.

Okay, I understand now. I will do it in the next 2-3 days.

Requested feature, along with some maintenance changes and fixes have been released in v2.5!