
Show unique files

BycreatinganaccountyouagreetotheTerms opened this issue · 3 comments


Currently the app can show identical files with "Find Identicals". It would be great if it could list the unique files too. For example, if you add 100 files consisting of 50 unique files with 2 copies each, you have to count that there are 50 files in "Find Identicals" to confirm this.
If there was a view that showed the unique files this could be done much faster. The view could either show every file, but with identicals grouped together (so similar to "Find Identicals" but with single copy files appended to the list). Or a view that only shows files with 1 copy (so the complement to the "Find Identicals" view).

Kind regards,


I don't understand your request, to be honest.
Unique files are grouped like this, right?


You appear to have added the same files twice?
The scenario I frequently have is this:
I have two folders A and B, each containing many files, dozens or hundreds.
I want to know which files are identical and which are unique.
Hashing can show the identical files, but the only way to know which files are unique (only in A or B) is to manually subtract the files that have identicals, which is easy when there are only a few files but not if there are many.
It would be great if Hashing could be upgraded to assist this type of work flow. I believe most of the work is already programmed.
I see two ways you could do this.

  1. "Find Identicals" currently omits unique files (only 1 copy). You could change this instead to also show the unique files at the bottom of the list, instead of the hash followed by multiple files, it will show just the 1 file after the hash. All files will be listed. The feature could optionally be renamed "Group Identicals" or something similar.
  2. Keep "Find Identicals" as is, but make it's complement, "Find Unique Files" or something similar. This view would hide any identical files, showing only the unique files.