
incubator/zookeeper: do not use gcr.io/google-samples images

Closed this issue · 12 comments

incubator/zookeeper sample is using gcr.io/google_samples/k8szk:v2 image:


Please do not use this image.

Images in gcr.io/google-samples are:

  • meant to be used only in GKE tutorials and samples
  • not patched/rebuilt actively with security fixes etc
  • not actively maintained in general
  • should not be used for production purposes
  • there no guarantees whether they simply won't be deleted tomorrow.

Please refrain from using gcr.io/google-samples images in production.

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incubator zookeeper is still using the sample image

Is there any update on this? We were deploying Kafka and found the zookeeper (a dependency) was using this image. Would like to know if there is a plan to fix this issue?

FWIW we found a bug in the image:

-    echo "autopurge.purgeInteval=$ZK_PURGE_INTERVAL" >> $ZK_CONFIG_FILE
+    echo "autopurge.purgeInterval=$ZK_PURGE_INTERVAL" >> $ZK_CONFIG_FILE

(We reverse engineered the image for our own internal use).

@abraithwaite We also ran into the bug of zkGenConfig.sh in sample image.
Are you able to provide us the Dockerfile or reference so we can build a new image?

Thanks @MartinX3 ,

we use another workaround, but better use the official zookeeper images

helm chart values-zk-fix.yaml

    - /bin/bash
    - -xec
    - zkGenConfig.sh && sed -i 's/autopurge.purgeInteval/autopurge.purgeInterval/' /usr/etc/zookeeper/zoo.cfg && exec zkServer.sh start-foreground

I tried using the official image but the GCR one was so much easier to use.

Clever fix with the start command though! Would have made our lives easier than re-hosting it. :-P

here is fix applied on origin of the typo bug kubernetes-retired/contrib@584b78c

FWIW we found a bug in the image:

-    echo "autopurge.purgeInteval=$ZK_PURGE_INTERVAL" >> $ZK_CONFIG_FILE
+    echo "autopurge.purgeInterval=$ZK_PURGE_INTERVAL" >> $ZK_CONFIG_FILE

(We reverse engineered the image for our own internal use).

Thanks,Searched for a long time.