
Answers missing in Alternativer

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When uploading the SOI form to Skjemabyggeren, the answers/values are not displayed in the element Alternativer. I have generated R4 version of the json file.


  1. Upload this json in Skjemabyggeren
  2. Scroll down to one of the elements of type "Alternativer", e.g. Element 2.5.1 (Er du norsk statsborger?)
  3. The answers options are not available here
  4. Go to the preview and scroll to the same question, there the options are displayed
  5. Also, it is strange that "Flere valg mulig" is turned on here (even though it is displayed as option buttons in preview)

Seems like Skjemabyggeren does not see that this should be element of the type "Forhåndsdefinerte aternativer" instead of "Alternativer"