
This is the MicrosoftVBscript repo

Primary LanguageVisual Basic


This is the MicrosoftVBscript repo

##Below is the breif scripting introduction and examples. This file also contains tricky programs on strings and Excel, txt file handling.

#VBScript Tutorial:

variables and its types constant data types conditional construct looping construct functions and sub procedures inbuilt functions object oriented features FSO model Excel object model ADO model Regular expression Exception handling

variable : place holder to store the information required for the script

variable types: vb script supports both explicit and implicit variable declaration. VBSript has only one type of data type id variant.

implicit variable declaration :

Option explicit : to avoid variables miss use. ‘ :- is for commenting the single line. Vb script provides only single line comments. Code:

‘Option explicit for implicit declaration
‘Dim a a=5 Msgbox a


a=5; msgbox(a);

Explicit variable declaration : Dim a a=5 Msgbox(a)

vbscript doesnot hold the declaration and assignment is same line. variable name must start with alphabets must not exceed more than 225 and can have '_' scalar variable: variable that holds single value.


dim a= 5 'gives error msgbox(a)

Array variables: that can hold multiple values of different.

declaring the constant

use const to declare the constant.


const b=2

vbscript has only data type is variant size of variant is 16 bytes. subtypes of variant are:

integer boolean string : with double quotes (") double date : with hash (#) null empty object

Scope of variable:

1.script level :- will be for the entire script, memory allocated for the variable will be deallocated once the script execution is completed. 2.procedure level :- scope of the variable will be only with in the procedure/function in which it is declared any memory will be deallocated onve the procedure is executed.

dim public private


option explicit dim a,b,c,d,e,f a=5 b=6 c=#23-2-2016# d="hai hemanth" e=true msgbox(a) msgbox(b) msgbox(c) msgbox(d)

msgbox(typename(a)) msgbox(typename(b)) msgbox(typename(c)) msgbox(typename(d)) msgbox(typename(e)) msgbox(typename(f))

runtime input

inputbox("") return type will be always string.


option explicit

dim a a= inputbox("enter a value ") msgbox(a) msgbox(typename(a))


arithmetic operators logical operators relational operators(<,>,<=,>=,=,<>) concatination operators (&)

"=" is used for both assignment and comparision.

conditional constructs:

block of code written to perform the task based on the conditional if if else elseif select case simple if:

if(condition) then

block of code

end if	

type conversion


looping constructs

for loop -- true loop

for i=1 to 5

for var=min to max
dim a
for a=1 to 5
	block of code

dim a,str
for a=1 to 5 step 2
	str=str&"hemanth "&a &vbcr


dim a,str
for a=5 to 1 step -2
	str=str&"hemanth "&a &vbcr

to break out of the loop use exit
dim a,str
for a = 5 to 1 step -1
	if(a=3) then
	exit for
	end if
	str=str&"hemanth "&a &vbcr

for each loop -- true loop while wend loop -- true loop do while loop -- true loop do until loop -- false loop

code for while and do while and do until

option explicit
dim a,str
	str=str&"hemanth "&a &vbcr
str=str&"this do while iteration" &vbcr

	str=str&"hemanth "&a &vbcr
loop while(a<=5)

	if(a>3) then
		exit do
	end if
	str=str&"hemanth "&a &vbcr
loop while(a<=5)
str=str&"this do until iteration" &vbcr

	str=str&"hemanth "&a &vbcr
loop until(a<=5)

array hold multiple values of different types static size is fixed dynamic size of array can be changed

dim a(3),i

for i=0 to 3
msgbox a(i)
redim a(4)

for each loop:

no of elements in 
for each e in a1
msgbox e


/*largest of the three/ dim a,b,c

a=cint(inputbox("enter the value of a")) b=cint(inputbox("enter the value of b")) c=cint(inputbox("enter the value of c"))

if(a>b and a>c)then msgbox(a&" : is the greatest") elseif(b>a and b>c)then msgbox(b&" : is the greatest") else msgbox(c&" : is the greatest") end if /************** dynamic array ******************/

option explicit

dim request,dyarray,text,e,str dyarray=array() request=inputbox("do you want to enter a value enter 'y' ") while(request="y") redim preserve dyarray(ubound(dyarray) + 1) text=inputbox("enter your input ") dyarray(ubound(dyarray))=text request=inputbox("do you want to enter a value enter 'y' ") wend for each e in dyarray str=str&", "&e next msgbox "your values in array are: "&str

/***************** ATM ***************************/

dim pin,n,reqpin pin="1234" n=3

do reqpin=inputbox("enter you pin") n=n-1 if(pin=reqpin) then msgbox("you have successfully entered correct pin") exit do elseif(n=0) then msgbox("your card is blocked") else msgbox("wrong pin you have "&n &" chances") end if loop while(n>0)

/*******************************************************/ FUNCTIONS

functions: block of code written to perform the task.

functions or sub procedure is used inorder to make the code reusable.

function function_name() block of code end function sub procedure_name() block of code end sub

call by value: byval call by reference : byref /*************************************************/ code:

option explicit dim a,b function addition(byref a,byref b) msgbox("this is adding function") msgbox("added inside function : "&(a+b)) end function a=cint(inputbox("enter the value of a: ")) b=cint(inputbox("enter the value of b: "))

function display(byval a) a=a+1 msgbox(" after increament of a : "&a)

end function

call addition(a,b) call display(a) msgbox "out the function : "&a

function with return statement is called :procedure use the same function_name as the return variable code:-

option explicit dim a,b,c function multiplication(byval a,byval b) multiplication=(a*b) end function

function takeinputs(byref a,byref b) a=cint(inputbox("enter the a value: ")) b=cint(inputbox("enter the b value: ")) end function

call takeinputs(a,b) c= multiplication(a,b) msgbox c

classes in vbscript:

class: its is blue print for an object. it is an imaginary. class can have one or more objects.

object: its is an instance of the class.

method: code:-

FSO -filesystemobject

class filesystemobject method driveexist() code:-

dim fso,d set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") msgbox fso.driveexists("d:")

if(fso.driveexists("c:")) then set d=fso.getdrive("c:") msgbox d.availablespace msgbox d.totalsize end if


dim fso,d,f,f1,str set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") msgbox fso.driveexists("d:") dim foldername foldername="c:/testing" if(fso.driveexists("c:")) then if(fso.folderexists(foldername)) then msgbox "folder present" set f1=fso.getfolder(foldername) str=str&" date created "&f1.datecreated&vbcr str=str&"date last modified "&f1.datelastmodified&vbcr str=str&"date last accessed"&f1.datelastaccessed&vbcr str=str&"path "&f1.path&vbcr msgbox str

	msgbox "not present"
	set f=fso.createfolder(foldername)
	msgbox "folder created"
end if

set d=fso.getdrive("c:")
'msgbox d.availablespace
'msgbox d.totalsize

end if


dim fso,d,f,f1,str set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") msgbox fso.driveexists("d:") dim foldername foldername="c:/manual" if(fso.driveexists("c:")) then if(fso.folderexists(foldername)) then msgbox "folder present" set f1=fso.getfolder(foldername) str=str&" date created "&f1.datecreated&vbcr str=str&"date last modified "&f1.datelastmodified&vbcr str=str&"date last accessed"&f1.datelastaccessed&vbcr str=str&"path "&f1.path&vbcr msgbox str fso.movefolder "c:/manual","c:/testing/" f1.move "c:/vbscript/"

	msgbox "not present"
	set f=fso.createfolder(foldername)
	msgbox "folder created"
end if

set d=fso.getdrive("c:")
'msgbox d.availablespace
'msgbox d.totalsize

end if

file operations and methods code:-

dim fso,f set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

dim foldername filename="c:/testing/manual/new.text" if(fso.fileexists(filename))then msgbox "exists" else msgbox "no not there" set f=fso.createtextfile(filename) msgbox typename(f) msgbox "file created" end if

file writting and append 1-read 2-write 8-append

createfile opentextfile deletefile copyfile movefile getfile fileexists

path parentfolder


dim fso,f,opentxtfile set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") dim foldername filename="c:/testing/manual/new.txt" if(fso.fileexists(filename))then msgbox "exists" set opentxtfile = fso.opentextfile(filename,1) msgbox opentxtfile.readline() do msgbox opentxtfile.readline() loop until(opentxtfile.atendofstream) else msgbox "no not there" set f=fso.createtextfile(filename) msgbox typename(f) msgbox "file created" end if


drives: no methods properties: count item

sub folders methods: add properties: count item

files properties: count item

code for getting the drives:

set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

set ds= fso.drives msgbox ds.count msgbox ds.item("c:")

for each items in ds msgbox items next

sub folders operations:


set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

set ds= fso.drives 'msgbox ds.count 'msgbox ds.item("c:")

'for each items in ds ' msgbox items 'next

set f= fso.getfolder("c:/testing") set sf=f.subfolders msgbox sf.count sf.add("automation")

for each subfol in sf msgbox subfol next

operations on files


set f= fso.getfolder("c:/testing/manual") set sf=f.files msgbox sf.count

for each subfol in sf msgbox subfol next

string inbuilt functions

left -(string,length) right-(string,length) mid - (string,index,length) join-() split-(string,delimiter) return type is array strreverse-() len-() ucase-() lcase -() replace -(string,"find substring","replace with substring") ltrim -(string) rtrim -(string) trim -() instr -()