Using wildcard on pattern matching
pola88 opened this issue · 2 comments
pola88 commented
Hi, I am start using hemerajs and I want to use a wildcard on the patter, but when I call it I get the following error:
No handler found for this pattern
I define the action with this pattern:
hemera.add({ topic: 'match', a: '*' }, (args, done) => ... );
And to call it:
hemera.act({ topic: 'match', a: 1 }, (error, res) => ...);
Does Hemera support this kind of patterns?
- NATS: latest
- Hemera: 3.1.6
- NodeJs: 6.11.2
StarpTech commented
Hi @pola88 you have to use a regex object.
hemera.add({ topic: 'match', a: /.+/ }, (args, done) => ... );
hemera.add({ topic: 'match', a: new RegExp('/.+/') }, (args, done) => ... );
pola88 commented
Thanks! It works!! 👍