
Hemera-blipp has old hemera version

BransonGitomeh opened this issue · 3 comments

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hemera blipp threw

Error: hemera-plugin - expected '^5.0.0' hemera version, '6.1.1' is installed

Steps to Reproduce

see https://github.com/hemerajs/hemera/blob/master/packages/hemera-blipp/index.js#L63


  1. Start NATS
  2. Use plugin hemera-blipp
  3. Start process
  4. Error appears in the logs

Expected Result

should log as expected

Actual Result

Error: hemera-plugin - expected '^5.0.0' hemera version, '6.1.1' is installed


  • nats-hemera (core)
  • hemera-zipkin
  • hemera-store
  • hemera-stats
  • hemera-rabbitmq
  • hemera-nsq
  • hemera-elasticsearch
  • hemera-joi
  • hemera-msgpack
  • hemera-avro
  • hemera-jwt-auth
  • hemera-blipp

Your Environment

  • NATS: X.X.X
  • Hemera: X.X.X
  • NodeJs: X.X.X
  • Environment name and version:
  • Operating System and version:

Are there any incompatibilities that are pending between this two packages? thanks.

No, hemera-blipp should be compatible with hemera >= 5. Feel free to create a PR.

Fixed and released with hemera-blipp 0.0.7