
Feature Request: Support GA4 - Google Analytics 4 properties

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Google has released a new version of Google Analytics.
Would be great to have support for it.

More infos: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/10089681?hl=en&ref_topic=9143232


I've created a pull request for this. I don't know a ton about Google Analytics properties in version 4, so I don't know how many options/parameters there needs to be. My understanding is that the Measurement ID is sufficient and the rest of the configuration is done from the Google Analytics side.

If anyone has any feedback on the PR (#60) I'd be happy to open it up and make it more flexible, as long as the comments come in relatively quickly.

I also don't know how active the maintainer is on this project since I've just come to it for the first time today.