
A curated list of awesome Acme editor documents and software

Awesome Acme

A curated list of awesome Acme editor documents and software.


Please do.

PR's welcome for all edits or new projects.



Resources to help with using or learning acme.


Source code patches for modifying acme.

  • acme-fonts - Blend Vera and 9x15, season with jis, misc, and Euro Latin


Programs intended to be used by/within acme.


Libraries which target acme or interface with acme.

  • 9fans.net/go/acme - Interface for interacting with acme windows
  • goacme - Interface to acme programming environment

Inspired By

Software inspired by acme.

  • a - Text editor inspired by sam and acme
  • edit - A stand-alone implementation of the Acme text editor's command language in Go
  • editor - An acme-inspired, full-featured, editor in Go
  • acme2k - An acme-inspired editor geared towards easy configurability
  • edwood - Go version of Plan9 Acme Editor
  • acvi - Acme & vi crossover, created with duit
  • wmii - A small, scriptable window manager
  • wily - An implementation of acme


  • parchment - Editor theme for Vim and Emacs, inspired by Acme and Leuven
  • vacme - Vim colorscheme based on plan9 and the Acme editor


Historical artifacts related to acme.