
Go module to parse Burp Suite HTTP proxy history XML files.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT



Go module to parse Burp Suite HTTP proxy history XML files.

Output formats include CSV, JSON, and Go syntax.

Options are provided for controlling base64 decoding for request/response bodies.

Requests/responses may be optionally omitted for the CSV format output.

See also: bx


go get github.com/henesy/burpxml


package burpxml

Package burpxml provides functions to parse and re-format Burp Suite HTTP
proxy history XML files


type Host struct {
        Ip   string `xml:"ip,attr"`   // Remote IP address
        Name string `xml:",chardata"` // Remote host name
    Host represents an XML <host> remote host. In textual output, Host's
    elements should appear as though they were Item's elements.

type Item struct {
        Time           string   `xml:"time"`           // Time the request was sent
        Url            string   `xml:"url"`            // URL requested
        Host           Host     `xml:"host"`           // Remote host name
        Port           string   `xml:"port"`           // Remote port
        Protocol       string   `xml:"protocol"`       // Protocol (such as HTTPS)
        Path           string   `xml:"path"`           // URL path requested (/foo/bar/)
        Extension      string   `xml:"extension"`      // Burp-specific
        Request        Request  `xml:"request"`        // HTTP request made
        Status         string   `xml:"status"`         // HTTP status code returned
        ResponseLength string   `xml:"responselength"` // HTTP response content length
        MimeType       string   `xml:"mimetype"`       // MIME type of HTTP response
        Response       Response `xml:"response"`       // HTTP response returned
        Comment        string   `xml:"comment"`        // Burp-specific
    Item represents an XML <item> HTTP transaction.

func (i Item) FlatString() string
    FlatString returns an Item as a single-line string. Each element is

func (i Item) String() string
    String returns a prettified string representation of an Item.

func (i Item) ToStrings(noReq, noResp bool) []string
    ToStrings returns an Item as a slice of strings. Each element in the slice
    is an Item field.

type Items struct {
        Items []Item `xml:"item"`
    Items represents the set of XML <items> containing many <item>'s.

func Parse(f io.Reader, decode bool) (Items, error)
    Parse will read XML from f. Optionally, base64-encoded request and response
    bodies may be checked and decoded.

func (items Items) Csv(of io.Writer, noReq, noResp bool) ([][]string, error)
    Csv emits items to CSV. Requests and responses may be omitted, if desired.

func (items Items) Go() string
    Go returns a Go-syntax representation of items.

func (items Items) Json(of io.Writer) error
    Json emits items to JSON.

type Request struct {
        Base64 string `xml:"base64,attr"` // Is Raw base64-encoded?
        Raw    string `xml:",chardata"`   // Raw HTTP request
        Body   string // May be base64-decoded later
    Request represents an XML <request> HTTP request.

func (r Request) FlatString() string
    FlatString returns a Request as a single-line string. Each element is
    comma-separated. If the body has been decoded, the body exclusively will be

func (r Request) String() string
    String returns a prettified string representation of a Request. If the body
    has been decoded, the body exclusively will be returned.

func (r Request) ToStrings() []string
    ToStrings returns a Request as a slice of strings. Each element in the slice
    is a Request field. If the body has been decoded, the body exclusively will
    be returned.

type Response struct {
        Base64 string `xml:"base64,attr"` // Is Raw base64-encoded?
        Raw    string `xml:",chardata"`   // Raw HTTP response
        Body   string // May be base64-decoded later
    Response represents an XML <response> HTTP response.

func (r Response) FlatString() string
    FlatString returns a Response as a single-line string. Each element is
    comma-separated. If the body has been decoded, the body exclusively will be

func (r Response) String() string
    String returns a prettified string representation of a Response. If the body
    has been decoded, the body exclusively will be returned.

func (r Response) ToStrings() []string
    ToStrings returns a Response as a slice of strings. Each element in the
    slice is a Response field. If the body has been decoded, the body
    exclusively will be returned.