
Suggestion: CAST visitation from ToString method

hasancemcerit opened this issue · 1 comments

I've recently had a use case where I need to have LIKE query on a numeric column.
What I ended up doing is to expand VisitCallExpression(MethodCallExpression expression) with another case (tostring) as below.

 case "tostring":
            return VisitCastExpression(expression);

and create VisitCastExpression

protected virtual object VisitCastExpression(MethodCallExpression expression)
	var column = VisitExpression(expression.Object);
	if (expression.Arguments.Count >= 1)
		throw new ArgumentException("Cast-expression should not contain any argument.", nameof(expression));

	return $"CAST({column} AS CHAR)";

This is working fine on MariaDB and MySQL.

The lamda expression such as

i => ((i.TextColumn1.StartsWith("1234") AndAlso i.TextColumn2.StartsWith("567")) AndAlso i.DecimalColumn1.ToString().StartsWith("555"))


select * from table where (TextColumn1 like '1234%' and TextColumn2 like '567%' and CAST(DecimalColumn1 AS CHAR) like '555%') order by id asc limit 0, 20

@hasancemcerit can you create a PR for this?