
Which version for google-api-python-client v1.12.11 ?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

First, thanks for maintaining this library.
I'm using google-api-python-client v1.12.11 in tandem with Airflow 2.6.1's constraints file.

I'm trying to install google-api-python-client-stubs to match, but not finding any version that pip is happy with.

If I try google-api-python-client-stubs==1.12.0 I get,

google-api-python-client-stubs 1.12.0 depends on google-api-python-client<3.0.0 and >=2.64.0
The user requested (constraint) google-api-python-client==1.12.11

and if I just specify ``google-api-python-client-stubsinrequirements.txt` and let pip try to figure it out, it tries all the available releases and ends with,

ERROR: ResolutionImpossible: for help visit https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/topics/dependency-resolution/#dealing-with-dependency-conflicts

Please advise.
Thank you!

I never made a release specifically for that version. Google released v2 in March 2021 and I switched the stubs over to that version at the time, but v1.12.11 was apparently released a year later. I wasn't aware they kept releasing new version of v1, though I probably would have stuck to only supporting v2 anyway to keep the maintenance burden down.

The most recent release I made before that is v0.5.0, earlier in March 2021, so the stubs will match how the APIs looked back then. If you're using an API that hasn't changed much since then that might work okay. It's pinned as ^1.12.8, which should be compatible with v1.2.11:

google-api-python-client = "^1.12.8"
Not sure why it couldn't find a resolution when you didn't specify a version. If you specify 0.5.0, does it give you any more information that can help us debug it?

If I try google-api-python-client-stubs==1.12.0 I get,

Oh, and note that the stubs are versioned independently from the library, so v1.12.0 was for v2.64.0 for example. I usually mention the version compatibility in the release notes, it can also be seen in pyproject.toml

Closing since there was no follow-up, but feel free to let me know if you're still having any issues I can help with