
Not available in edge panels for Galaxy Z Fold4

v-aravind opened this issue · 7 comments

I recently switched to a Galaxy Z Fold4 running One UI 5.1 Android 13. PPP doesn't seem to be available as an option for edge panels. Please can you look into this.

In Edge panel settings is doslayed also button "Galaxy Store"? If not, then this is problem. Supported are only internal panels.
Similar problem is in Samsung tablets.

I'm not sure where exact you mean I should see the "galaxy store" button. I am able to see and select Galaxy Store under apps. But do you mean somewhere else?

Display/Edge panels/Panels (S21, One UI 5):
Screenshot_20230129_172554_Edge panels

No 😭
Screenshot_20230129_164635_Edge panels.jpg

Maybe because your 5.1 is in beta? Or for Z Fold 4 is official, stable 5.1 released?

Sorry I'm still on 5.0, not 5.1, it is the stable release

Ok, then the Z Fold devices have the same limitation as the Samsung tablets. :-(
Not bug in PPP, but Samsung "feature".