Remote Drive Sync
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Thanks for putting this together. This looks like a great start!
I would like to suggest that instead of only syncing with a particular service (like Google Drive) that you might want to also leave the option to simply leave the file in a configurable location. This would allow it to work with private cloud providers or syncing options that people might have. For example, some people might be using Syncthing or a Synology Drive between desktops.
I understand this is more difficult when it comes to mobile, where you might have to build something custom for each (Google Drive, Proton Drive, Dropbox, etc) but between desktops this seems to work fine.
Thanks for the first suggestion @edmenendez !
From this I'm taking away as a requirement:
- Make the location of the 2FAS export file that the app looks for configurable
In terms of a workaround in the mean time I'd imagine a symlink from the sync location to the Documents LibreOTP
folder would also get some of the way there
That's actually what I am doing now for testing. It should work fine with the symlink.
The bigger task would be supporting clouds other than Google Drive. There's quite a few, including private clouds. Or building out a way to host with all the related headaches. Or maybe allow for peering between authorized devices when they are near each other which then depends on no cloud.