
Installing using Package Control doesn't create the rmate-* submodules.

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I had to use a git clone --recurse-submodules to get these folders.

Also it looks like these submodules are either private or don't exist any more:

$ git sm update
Cloning into rmate-ruby...
fatal: Authentication failed
Clone of 'https://github.com/avian/rmate.git' into submodule path 'rmate-ruby' failed

The ruby rmate has moved to https://github.com/textmate/rmate, as of TextMate being open-sourced. I've opened a pull request to address that.

This is still a bug.
I have tried to install, remove and re-install but the sub-modules do not clone.
If you check the Package directory for rsub after being installed by Package Control (it's not a git repository)

Sublime Text 2/Packages/rsub% ls -a                         
.           Main.sublime-menu   rmate-ruby      ssh-copy-rsub
..          README.md       rsub.py
.gitignore      package-metadata.json   rsub.pyc
.gitmodules     rmate-bash      rsub.sublime-settings

As you can see there is no .git directory. So the following commands don't work. I could clone it myself and then add the submodules but then I'm not using the Package Control Install, so think this needs to be rectified in Package Control either to keep as repository when it downloads so .git exists and kick off a git sm update or at least have a .git directory so you can manually run the submodule update.

Sublime Text 2/Packages/rsub% git clone --recurse-submodules rmate-ruby 
fatal: repository 'rmate-ruby' does not exist
Sublime Text 2/Packages/rsub% git clone --recurse-submodules rmate-bash
fatal: repository 'rmate-bash' does not exist
Sublime Text 2/Packages/rsub% git clone --recurse-submodules .         
fatal: repository '.' does not exist
Sublime Text 2/Packages/rsub% git submodule update          
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

This is not a bug in this project, though. Package Control just doesn't check for submodules when it downloads the contents of a repository, and there's probably not any easy way for it to do so either since it doesn't use git to clone the package by default.

See Package Control's docs for how to install packages using git and still have them managed by Package Control.

Thanks I've opened a bug for just this issue: wbond/package_control#326