linkshort Version 2

This is the repository for the second version of my cloudflare-based link shortener. The original one can be found here and is programmed using vanilla JS, a basic router called itty-router and uses Workers KV as its persistent storage.

What's the Stack

This new version will be much more feature rich and is built with:

  • Remix: A brand new SSR-focused React framework which I am super exicted to work with.
  • Workers KV: There's no reason to change this; it's imperceptibly fast and super simple.

In the future, I can also see myself adding more to this. Most likely a simple authentication system, more feature-rich persistent db, and maybe some action.

Why a new version? Why Remix?

There's one big reason that I decided to do this: flexibility. linkshort v1 is plenty fast, but I always wanted to be able to add extra features like React pages with realtime features, a simple api route for modifying available shortlinks, and maybe even a mini dashboard of sorts.
I'd been idly researching ways to hack together something to support the aforementioned features but when I saw the pre-announcement of remix generating buzz on dev-twitter, I knew on the spot it was perfect. While I love Next.js, it's definitely too thicc for this project. I feel that the combination of speed provided by Cloudflare's platform and the flexibility of a great new framework like Remix suporting Workers out of the box exactly fits the modus operandi of this project.