
Missing SERVER_PORT env

jordanlambrecht opened this issue · 5 comments

There's no SERVER_PORT env variable, so I'm not sure how to direct it correctly except for including it in the ADGUARD_SERVERS section as

Yeah, that should just work in the ADGUARD_SERVERS part

Also getting an error for not having a ADGUARD_PROTOCOL variable:

adguard-exporter  | ERROR - could not get status: Get "<redacted>/control/status": unsupported protocol scheme ""
adguard-exporter  | ERROR - could not get dhcp status: Get "<redacted>/control/dhcp/status": unsupported protocol scheme ""
adguard-exporter  | ERROR - could not get query type stats: Get "<redacted>/control/querylog?limit=1000&response_status=all":

You need the scheme in the url, which I've just noticed the readme doesn't show, will update it now

Great, thanks man. Glad someone is reviving this project.

No worries, I added an example relabling in the readme too if you want to strip out the http and port when it gets scraped