
VISION of this project.

Opened this issue · 2 comments

To list out the future direction(s) of this project.

  • Improving CNN:

    • More layers.
    • Tuning parameters regarding strides, filter, etc.
  • Different model before DQN:

    • RNN.
    • LSTM (essentially DRQN).
    • Rainbow.
  • Improve Anita:

    • Make another psy metrics on personalty which actually suits the role of reward indicator.
    • Apply reward shaping.
    • Dynamic weight adjustment between traits and persona-avatar.
      • Supervised learning?
      • NN for dynamic categorization rather than hardcored weight?
  • Improve OANDA communication:

    • Submit trade request.
    • Read real time data.
  • Deploy:

    • Train with local Linux server.
    • Train on cloud.

Adjust goal from drafting a VISION.md file to add some lines in README.md as current research cannot support a standalone file.

Adjust goal from add some lines in README.md to mention this issue within README.md — as this issue can be fairly dynamic if someone would test out these possible solutions.