
Adding bluepylon's data as well

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, just found this and I think it's great especially if you can implement this suggestion!
I like that it can normalise and adjust the curves on the same graph, it is quite an issue with the originals.

If you can add bluepylon's data set in here as well I think that would be great as there are some that are unique between the 2 datasets. I believe there are also some duplicates that can serve as reference or for normalisation purposes.

I assume you mean this?

I didn't know about this dataset, thanks for bringing it to my attention! I'll see about adding it.

Yeap yeap thats the one. I prefer using that cause it actually has additional info like the actuation and release points as well. It is also more consistent with the axis but that may partly be just be an artifact of it having run over a shorter time.

No problem, may cause by the time I see the first commit was added here, it was a bit dormant already

It took a while as I try to limit work on this project to a few hours per week, but it's done and the bluepylons measurements are live now. Thanks again for the suggestion 🙂