
Triggering bot to rescan updated post

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Is there a way to tell the bot to rescan your post and update its linked help pages? Sometimes I made a mistake when summoning the bot and linked to an incorrect help page. For example, recently I intended to link to the setting page for statusline, which is :help 'statusline', but the bot linked to the feature list page :help +statusline, because I summoned the bot using an ambiguous tag name :help statusline. Of course this was my mistake to begin with, since I should've verified the correct tag name before making the post rather than relying on :help to guess which help page I meant, but is there a way to have the bot rescan the post after I fixed the original post? Or maybe even better, the bot should automatically rescan any updated posts.

There is no way to scan for updates due to Reddit's limitations itself. I am however working on a way to tell the bot to scan a comment again.

With the recent update, bot now has the ability to rescan comments. Just reply "rescan" to the bot's comment and it will update.