
Postgres 13

jarydkrish opened this issue · 0 comments

Now that Postgres 13 is generally available on Heroku, do the postgres client binaries need to be updated?

We are having an issue with Heroku CI builds failing due to a version mismatch when restoring from a Rails structure.sql file:

pg_dump: error: server version: 13.1 (Ubuntu 13.1-1.pgdg20.04+1); pg_dump version: 12.5 (Ubuntu 12.5-1.pgdg20.04+1)
       pg_dump: error: aborting because of server version mismatch
       rake aborted!
       failed to execute:
       pg_dump --schema-only --no-privileges --no-owner --file /app/db/structure.sql

This pull request updated the client binaries to Postgres 12: #151

Is something similar needed to support Postgres 13?