
Can't use scale command on heroku/8.8.0

marciotoshio opened this issue ยท 12 comments

This project is for the Heroku CLI only and issues are reviewed as we are able. If you need more immediate assistence or help with anything not specific to the CLI itself, please use https://help.heroku.com.

Do you want to request a feature or report a bug?


What is the current behavior?

heroku scale worker=0 --app myapp returns Couldn't find that feature.

What is the expected behavior?

heroku/8.8.0 linux-x64 node-v16.20.2
Should allow scale up/down through CLI

I think it's related to recent changes more specific this #2598

--> GET /account/features/frontend-larger-dynos
  http     accept=application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3
  http     content-type=application/json
  http     user-agent=heroku/8.8.0 darwin-arm64 node-v16.20.2
  http     range=id ..; max=1000
  http     host=api.heroku.com
  http     authorization=REDACTED +0ms
<-- 404 Not Found

We're looking into this right now. Thanks for reporting the failure.

@marciotoshio while we are working on a fix, you can always use an older version of the CLI by running the command heroku update --version=[VERSION]. So, in this instance, you can use the previous release by running heroku update --version=8.7.1.

@k80bowman the failure happened on the CI and the CircleCI orb for Heroku does not seems to give an option to specify the version I'd need to have an extra step for the update, it was easier to comment the step as it was not totally necessary, I'll definitely add a step to control the version in the future thanks for the tip!

We're running into exactly the same issue here. Receiving a Couldn't find that feature error when trying to run the heroku ps:scale command as part of our CircleCI workflow.

...and unfortunately we can't skip this step as it's critical to our deployment feature set ๐Ÿ˜ข

@marciotoshio while we are working on a fix, you can always use an older version of the CLI by running the command heroku update --version=[VERSION]. So, in this instance, you can use the previous release by running heroku update --version=8.7.1.

Same issue here. And to use the previous version it's not working too. We've got the same error:
"HEROKU_API_KEY=$HEROKU_API_KEY heroku ps:scale web=1 --app=$HEROKU_APP
โ€บ Warning: heroku update available from 8.7.1 to 8.8.0.
โ–ธ Couldn't find that feature."

@marciotoshio @tbrammar @znagy82 this issue should be fixed in version 8.9.0, which was just published. I'll leave this issue open for a little while, please let us know if you continue to have problems.

Seems to be working fine, thanks

โžœ  heroku scale worker=0 --app myapp
Scaling dynos... done, now running worker at 0:Standard-1X
โžœ  heroku scale worker=1 --app myapp
Scaling dynos... done, now running worker at 1:Standard-1X
โžœ  heroku version                                  
heroku/8.9.0 darwin-arm64 node-v16.20.2

@k80bowman It's working again. Thanks.

@k80bowman works great - thank you ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ‘

Since this seems to have been resolved, closing.