
Failed to upgrade from cedar-14

e-coucou opened this issue · 3 comments

I upgraded my old Cedar-14 to Heroku-18 and now my web app doesn't work any more.

the issue is :
2019-04-08T14:09:05.932714+00:00 app[web.1]: 2019/04/08 14:09:05 [crit] 17#0: *3 connect() to unix:/tmp/nginx.socket failed (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upstream, client: xx.xx.xx.xx, server: _, request: "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1", upstream: "http://unix:/tmp/nginx.socket:/index.html"

I add the Procfile with -> web: nginx-start-solo

Does anyone could help me ?


@e-coucou sorry we can't provide support here on GitHub. Would you mind opening a support ticket on Heroku.

Thank you

@mintotsai thanks for the added solution to the report.
would you mind adding a little more context here? Did you switch from the normal nginx to the nginx-solo-mode? The solo-mode default configuration does not include the upstream app_server.
i'm not sure how this is related to the cedar-14 to heroku-18 upgrade.
thanks for your input.

@e-coucou or @beanieboi what was the solution to this? I am having the same issue. Al though I started from a new version. It seems in the support ticket a solution was given. Any chance you can share it here?