
Heroku postgresql basic is considered free when it actually isn't

esparta opened this issue · 0 comments

When running heroku addons, it's reported that my postgresql addon is a basic which cost $9 a month:


but heroku apps:free reports that postgresql-sinuous-97847 as free, when it isn't


Should the Postgresql basic add-on considered free?
If the answer is no, then the regex on line 70 should be changed:

freeData(addons: Array<Heroku.AddOn>, apps: Array<Heroku.App>): Array<Entry> {
return addons.filter(addon => {
return addon.app && addon.addon_service && addon.plan && addon.plan.name !== undefined ? /heroku-(postgresql|redis):(basic|dev|hobby-dev|test)/.exec(addon.plan.name) : false
}).map(addon => {
return {