
Demo not showing anything

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Hi, I set up the demo per the instructions here: https://heroku.github.io/kafka-demo/ but I'm not seeing any data on the app. Can someone help ensure I configured everything properly?

Here's my setup:

  • data-ingest:
    • KAFKA_TOPIC=foobar
    • TWITTER_TRACK_TERMS=movies,hadoop,johnwick
  • data-fanout:
    • KAFKA_TOPIC=foobar
    • TWITTER_TRACK_TERMS=movies,hadoop,johnwick
  • data-aggregate:
    • created a dyno for each of the track terms, and scaled down the web dyno to 0
  • data-relatedwords
    • created a dyno for each of the track terms, and scaled down the web dyno to 0
  • data-visualization:
    • TWITTER_TRACK_TERMS=movies,hadoop,johnwick

I also attached the Kafka cluster to each of the five apps above. However, I'm still seeing empty on the app:

pasted image at 2017_02_10 09_41 pm