
Can't update a plugin

Closed this issue · 4 comments

After installing a plugin using a tag I cannot update it.

Using these commands doesn't result in an update:

heroku plugins:update
heroku plugins:update salesforce-alm@preview

I have to run:

heroku plugins:install salesforce-alm@preview

salesforce-alm is hosted on heroku-npm.herokuapp.com

Additionally, when I list plugins by running (heroku plugins). It doesn’t list the tag name. To me, it seems like it should so users know updates are coming from the named tag not latest.

jdx commented

plugins:update is a command for the ruby plugins, while the documentation isn't clear on this, the command is going to go away along with the rest of the ruby code this month

jdx commented

you can use heroku update to update plugins

@dickeyxxx this was the issue that we talked about with how dist-tags are cached for 24 hours, so heroku update appears to not work, but it would after 24 hours.