
AMD driver crash on Windows in VkCreateShaderModule

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The SPIR-V files that HCC produces currently crash the AMD driver on Windows only in VkCreateShaderModule, AMD are kindly working on a fix! https://community.amd.com/t5/opengl-vulkan/vkcreateshadermodule-crashes-in-amdvlk64-dll/td-p/595903

I'll update this issue when i know more

still no fix yet... but we have a work around for compute shaders in the latest main and will be shipped with 0.1.0 release.
the problem with the above is for pixel shaders Output variables that are structure types which we use internally for HccPixelSVOut & the pixel state structure!

The AMD person on the forum seems to not be responding and appears to be giving back wrong information. It's super silly. Long term it's probably best i change my code base a little and emit Output/Input structures as individual global variables instead

fixed in 0.2.0 release by reworking the spirvgen code to not use structs for variables with Input or Output storage class