
Incorrect azeritePowerID for Havoc DH and Fury Warrior

binul opened this issue · 1 comments

binul commented

The azeritePowerID of "Chaotic Transformation" for Havoc DH is 220 (HD uses 555),
and "Unbridled Ferocity" for Fury Warrior is 119 (HD uses 544).

AzeriteForge seems support both (220 and 555, 119 and 544. TraitData.lua)
but AzeritePowerWeights suports only 220 and 119 (so, the trait score doesn't show when import from HD).

I know that in-game API like C_AzeriteEmpoweredItem.GetPowerInfo( powerID ) returns same spellID.
But when parsing the item using C_AzeriteEmpoweredItem.GetAllTierInfoByItemID( itemLink ), it returns 220 and 119. (capture attached, i marked with a red rounded rectangle.)

ct uf

This duplicate entry issue should be fixed in the next data update. Thanks for the report!