
Definition of recipe

herrBez opened this issue · 3 comments

I don't like this definition of receipts provided in the data layer

In [15], Vitalik Buterin 18 writes that with the receipt information, someone can answer queries like “Tell me all instances of an event of type X (e.g. a crowdfunding contract reaching its goal) emitted by this address in the past 30 days”.


Can we provide a better description?

What you're quoting is not the actual definition which I think is in the previous sentence

the receiptsRoot represents the receipts list of the transactions included in the block, which shows the effect of each transaction.

or you mean to be more formal?

Yes, maybe is the fact that this description is too informal, and also that it refers to logs (which are only a part of logs).

But it is already ok, I cannot imagine how to improve it (without deleting it ^^).

Ok, let's keep it as it is.