
Describe block

herrBez opened this issue · 10 comments

Descibe blocks in the architecture?

IMHO we can close this issue, because this description already contained in the world state section (?)

Not really. I think right now the blocks are described here and there. For example, in the state section, we describe the tree hashes, while in the Transaction Execution section, we mention the gas limit.

Would you like to write a separate section for blocks (I would agree ^^)

Let's start with the scalability first, then will see :)

I think that we could simply add a reference to the yellow paper and refer to section "Test" in which we describe only the interesting ones for scalability

Have we already described them? 🤔


I think, that by reading the report, one could get confused about why we only describe the three merkle tree field and not the other ones.

I mean, have we already describe the interesting ones for the scalability in "Test"?

We describe the most interesting ones (e.g. timestamp, difficulty and gas limit) inside the Test section (in the paragraph genesis file)

Sorry, missed them. Nice, I agree.