
Not working with today's RELEASE of OS X 10.10.4 (14E46)

Opened this issue · 12 comments

Fofer commented

Just updated to release of OS X 10.10.4, and the latest version of SafariStand (8.0.214) doesn't work. :(


6/30/15 5:17:31.731 PM com.github.norio-nomura.SIMBL-Agent[1462]: AppleEvents: Send port for process has no send right, port=( port:26951/0x6947 rcv:1,send:0,d:0 limit:5) (findOrCreate()/AEMachUtils.cp #526) com.apple.main-thread

(I have a feeling this is an issue with EasySIMBL not SafariStand) :)

UPDATE: Confirmed to be an issue with EasySIMBL.
SOLUTION: install the original SIMBL (v0.9.9) (as per EasySIMBL's own author's suggestion)

yes, doesn't work :( please give me tutorials how to fix it. Everything is installed in right folder, but it dosn't show up in menu

Fofer commented

Thanks so much, I have now transitioned (back) to SIMBL from EasySIMBL and my beloved SafariStand is back again. Some of my other SIMBL plugins seem to be dead but none are as precious to me as SafariStand. Is it true that all SIMBL plugins including SafariStand will be no longer possible in OS X 10.11 El Capitan? Is there any other strategy or workaround for SafariStand to live on in OS X 10.11?

Useful for anyone building this from the shell quickly to get it working:

• Check out the source and from the folder it's downloaded to via git:
xcodebuild -list -project SafariStand.xcodeproj # Get your build options
xcodebuild -scheme SafariStand -configuration Release build SYMROOT="." # Builds to pwd/Release
• Stick the SafariStand.bundle into the appropriate SIMBL plugin folder.

@hetima are you sticking this into /Library/Application\ Support/SIMBL/Plugins/ or ~/Library/Application\ Support/SIMBL/Plugins? Further, does it need root:admin ownership under the /Library/ path or can it be owned by username:staff?

Further, is it the same for both 10.10.4 and 10.11 or are we to use different paths? @norio-nomura

I use under ~/Library on 10.10.4 as it is.
Under /Library seems to work regardless of ownership.

I don't test on 10.11 yet.

Interesting to know @hetima, thanks. I am hitting an odd wall on 10.10.4 with the Safari 9 preview build. Not getting Stand to load it seems. Have you seen any problems or heard of problems in such a config?

Hmm, on thing that is bothering me is that I'm not seeing SIMBL anywhere in sudo ps aux|grep SIMBL. I did follow @norio-nomura's steps at norio-nomura/EasySIMBL#26 (comment), which should work...

Just for the record: EasySIMBL worked for me in 10.10.4 and does still in 10.10.5, you just have to disable and re-enable it after booting, restart Safari and everything's fine again.

@Knorkebrot Damn, I just went through uninstalling everything and reverting back to original SIMBL. Can you provide screenshots to show it does work?

@Knorkebrot Dope. Thanks.