
Collisions imported from "Import .OBJ as Collision" cause a crash on Skyrim.

tktk11 opened this issue · 3 comments

"Import .OBJ as Collision" may still be in testing. Is this a function that cannot be used with Skyrim?
Cause a crash when loading a mesh with collisions created with this feature in Skyrim.

I tried to set it exactly the same as a working collision, pack TriStrips, recreate a collision mesh for import, and everything else failed.

I guess that bhkNiTriStripsShape itself has a problem.

It's meant for FO3/FNV, and also FO4 (with Elric). There are only a few bhkNiTriStripsShape collisions in LE, and they were essentially a developer mistake/leftover. I don't remember offhand the status of bhkNTSS in SSE but they were either re-processed to remove strips (because SSE in general no longer supports strips) or they do still work but you just didn't set your rigid body or other settings correctly.

In any case if you really want to investigate it more you can search all the vanilla files for bhkNiTriStripsShape in the File Checker in the File menu. Edit: I went ahead and did it for you:


Thank you. The File Checker is useful. Could you add a collision from a mesh that be usable with Skyrim?
I have to use a tool called Chunk Merge to add collisions. It is pretty cumbersome.