
Missing articles in atom

vulgur opened this issue · 6 comments

The generated atom don't contains all the articles of year 2020.

tomap commented

There is a settings to limit the number of posts visible in the atom feed. The default value is 20. Maybe you hit that limit.
Try increasing this value in the settings:

  limit: 90

@tomap Indeed, I hit the limit. Thanks for your help, but why not make the limit for the latest articles ?

tomap commented

This should be the case (order by date, and take the last ones). You might have a date issue on your articles, which would explain why your 2020 article is not visible?
There is a settings for that also, but the default value should be the right one (see the link above)

@tomap I've raised the limit to 90, but latest ones are still not included.
Does the date matter in file name or front-matter?
Filenames of my articles are below.

截屏2020-05-02 22 03 02

tomap commented

Maybe there is something wrong with your article header/front matter?
Can you send them?

I found the reason.
There is a draft: true in my header.